Thursday, 12 November 2015

To Be Read: Winter Edition!

I made a pact with myself to read twelve books this year. It's November and I'm half way through my tenth book, so for the first time in my whole existence I think (touch wood!) I may succeed in a New Years resolution (get in!). I know it's not book blogger status, with most reading twelve books in a month or three. But it's a personal achievement, and I'm pretty chuffed with myself (pats on back, and cracks open the chocolate to celebrate). Nevertheless, we aren't quite there yet, if my maths serves me correctly I need two more books to reach my target, and these are my possible and probable yet not definite choices for the final reads of the year: 

I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai. I'm sure you are all aware of Malala; the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, who chose to fight for her right to education, resulting in her being shot in the head. Her story, is incredibly recent, and incredibly important, so I wish to educate myself on the matter, and learn more from her inspiring story. 

Ayoade On Ayoade: A Cinematic Odyssey by Richard Ayoade. On a much lighter note, I think Richard Ayoade is a fascinating and hilarious individual. I love his comedic style and timing. On that note I hope for lots of laughs from this one. I believe it is produced in interview style... with himself. It sounds very amusing, let's hope it doesn't disappoint. 

A Girl Is A Half-Formed Thing by Eimear McBride. This work of fiction sits on the more serious end of the spectrum once more. You are thrown into the narrator's head, and experience life as she does; immersed within her upbringing, and the influence of her challenging relationship with her brother, who suffered a brain tumor as a child. I think this will be the most mentally demanding read of the three, although I'm happy to test myself with this one. It won the Women's Prize For Fiction in 2014, so it must be pretty darn good right? 

Please let me know any of the books you plan on reading this Autumn/Winter in the comments below, I would love to check them out. x

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